Assessment Requirements
The Substantial Equivalency Assessment is an online assessment process with an anticipated timeline of assessment of 12 weeks once the curriculum and all relevant documentation has been received. For more information, please review the Substantial Equivalence Assessment policies.
For more information on the areas of education and academic competency that will be assessed, applicants are encouraged to review the Alberta Health Care Aide Competency Profile 2018.
Substantial Equivalence Assessment requirements:
- Enrol on the Alberta HCA Directory.
- Pay the full assessment fee: $300.00 CAD plus GST. See Fee Schedule.
- Submit all three (3) of the following documentation
- Official academic transcript
- Official education program documentation (i.e. Curriculum or Specific learning outcomes)
- Provide evidence of English Language Proficiency as outlined in the Substantial Equivalence assessment policies (see policy 2.4).

Below is a detailed description for each required document:
1. Official Academic transcript.
Transcripts must be sent by the institution to or mailed to the Directory.
The following documents are not accepted or considered an official academic transcript:
- Documents titled Statement of Marks,
- Statement of Attainment,
- Detailed Academic Record,
- Record of Marks,
- Progress Report, and other similar documents.
2. Official educational program documentation that includes (but is not limited to):
Curriculum or course descriptions must be sent by the institution to or mailed to the Directory.
- Specific learning outcomes (SLOs) for each course,
- Details related to topics covered, key competencies and skills learned,
- Number, length, and location(s) of clinical placements/practicum
- For example, 1 – 80hour clinical placement in acute care.
Note: documents may be titled Program/Course Curriculum, Course Syllabi, Course Synopsis, Course Description(s), or Course Outline(s) depending on the institution.
3. Evidence of English Language Proficiency Requirements (See policy 2.4):
Proof of English Language Proficiency (ELP) can be submitted by the applicant to:
- All applicants must provide evidence of English Language Proficiency.
- See policy 2.4 in the Substantial Equivalence assessment policies for a detailed outline of the English Language Proficiency requirements.
Post-assessment information
- SEA applicants will receive a formal electronic letter of the assessment decision along with information on next steps.
- SEA applicants who are currently employed with an Immediate Alberta Supervisor may follow the post-assessment steps outlined on the Assessment Information webpage.
Alberta Nursing Students
- Alberta nursing students wishing to receive the Substantial Equivalence assessment must review the requirements outlined on the Alberta Nursing students webpage.