Meet Elaine Meyer from Edmonton!


Elaine works in Geriatric and Senior’s Care and loves contributing to the health and wellness of the patients in her care.

“I love being an HCA because…I get to help people all day long and just love giving! It makes me feel good at the end of the day to know I have done a great job!”

“The best part of my job is…knowing that I have given a helping hand.”

“I love working with patients and families because…I get to know them well! It’s like being part of a big family”

“I signed up to the Alberta HCA Directory because…for information and learning. It is also like a big family too!”

“What I like most about the Alberta HCA Directory is…knowing that I am part of a big group.”

“My favourite superhero is…Wonder Woman (Me)”

“When I’m not at work I like to…Swim, watch TV, play on the computer, and visit with my family.”