HCA Basic Education and Training

Did you know that to become certified as a Health Care Aide in Alberta, you must complete a recognized Health Care Aide program?

To apply for entry into a Health Care Aide program at any licensed post-secondary institution, check out the link below:

Graduate of an out of province HCA program? 

If a HCA graduated from a HCA program outside of Alberta and their education is assessed as Substantially Equivalent to the current Government of Alberta HCA Curriculum, they may be eligible to work as a HCA in Alberta.

Beginning July 1, 2020, our new Substantial Equivalency Process will be in place.

Check back for updates as we get closer to that date.

HCA Continuing Education and Training

Life & Death Matters: Palliative Care Education

Educational Resources for Health Care Workers

Health care workers are called upon to provide vital care for the dying person and family. These user friendly and visually appealing texts on palliative care are specifically designed to meet their educational needs. Textbooks, workbooks, companion resources, educator’s resources, and consulting services are available from Life & Death Matters. Check out the textbook Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for personal support workers, by Katherine Murray.

For more information, check out the website at www.lifeanddeathmatters.ca.

Bow Valley College

Bow Valley College provides relevant and affordable continuing education to health care aides, a valuable part of the healthcare team. They offer the courses in flexible ways, such as through contract, at facility sites, face to face, online or a combination of both.

Bow Valley College also offers a dynamic face to face course titled, Advanced Palliative Care for Health Care Aides. This course is based on the Life & Death Matters curriculum noted above. Contact their office directly (study@bowvalleycollege.ca) if course dates are not posted on the website. While at their website, check out the other continuing education courses!

They will also have a new course, Gentle Persuasive Approaches, available in Fall 2018.  This new, one-day workshop teaches evidence-based approaches to compassionate care for individuals living with dementia and will earn successful learners a certificate from Advanced Gerontological Education (AGE).

NorQuest College

NorQuest College provides numerous Continuing Education Courses including those below that may be of interest to Health Care Aides:

Health Leadership (coming soon!) – The health system is changing – there are strains on human resources, perpetual revising of funding models, and an increased emphasis on integration and primary care. Healthcare providers are being called to increase their scope of care while delivering excellent services to all clients. This course is focused on building skills required to lead in interdisciplinary healthcare environments.

Personal Resilience in Disaster Recovery – this 4-day workshop focuses on building the skills of people who are volunteers or interested in becoming volunteers at disaster recovery sites.

Personal and Community Resilience in Disaster Recovery – This 3-day workshop will build on the concepts and skills in the Personal Resilience in Disaster Recovery course.

For more information, visit norquest.ca/health or contact continuingeducation@norquest.ca or 1.866.534.6480


Additional resources for Health Care Aides in Alberta?

To promote training, conferences or events for Health Care Aides in Alberta send the Directory an email.